Business & Economy
Digitala lås - framtiden är nu
1 Feb 2021
En sak som genomgått många förändringar under årens lopp är lås, och hur man öppnar dem. Syftet med ett lås är ju att det ska vara så svårt som möjligt att komma in, om man inte har rätt nyckel. Det har skapats intrikata lösningar men nu med det moderna samhället har vi fått en säker [...]
Save resources with online invoicing software
30 Jul 2012
Sure you have heard about depleting resources on earth. And trees are not a exclusion. It's the most poplar source for paper. Paper can be made from industrial hemp, but our world seems not to be ready for such change, so right now it's not a option. So I will speak on a more technological [...]
The way to billing software in Netherlands
25 Apr 2012
E-invoicing in Netherlands was common only to some sectors like Fast Moving Consumer Goods. The usage of billing software in that sector was up to 80%. In other sectors exchange with e-invoice was common only for some large enterprises. Almost none of small and medium enterprises (SME) used billing software. Netherlands could be an example [...]